medieval politics (mostly religious)

Divided into 1) big picture history, 2) church and European state formation, 3) war and European state formation, 4) political economy, 5) church reforms, 6) European marriage pattern, 7) tolerance and convivencia, 8) conversion and Christianization, 9) Jews under Christian rule, 10) Jews and Christians under Muslim rule, 11) diplomatic and intellectual exchange, 12)  inter-faith translations, 13) crusades, 14) heresies and persecuting society, 14) Muslims and Spain after Reconquista, 15) race and religion. 

Big picture historical context

Church and European State Formation

War and European State Formation

Political Economy

Church Reforms

European Marriage Pattern

Tolerance and Convivencia

Conversion and Christianization

Jews Under Christian Rule

Christians and Jews under Muslim Rule: the Dhimmi Experience

Diplomatic and Intellectual Exchanges


Crusades: Let's go beyond Karen Armstrong

Heresies and the Persecuting Society? 

Muslims and Spain after the Reconquista

Race and Religion