This reading guide samples more from English-language scholarship than Arabic or Hebrew. It is addressed to students in the social sciences and history, but I include some literature and film recommendations at the end. Note that there are a few topics not included as exhaustively as I wish (feminism and women's movements, Ottoman and pre-Ottoman Palestine politics and history, neoliberalism, internal Israeli party politics, voting patterns). But you can branch off.
General History
Some general history and perspective books if you don't know where to start.
Cleveland, William L., and Martin Bunton. 2018. A History of the Modern Middle East. Routledge.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2021. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. First Picador paperback edition. New York: Picador.
Kimmerling, Baruch. 2005. The Invention and Decline of Israeliness: State, Society, and the Military. University of California Press.
Kimmerling, Baruch. 2009. The Palestinian People: A History. Harvard University Press.
Laron, Guy. 2017. The Six Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East. Yale University Press.
Masalha, Nur. 2018. Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History. Zed Books Ltd.
Pappe, Ilan. 2024. A Very Short History of the Israel–Palestine Conflict. Simon and Schuster.
Said, Edward W. 1992. The Question of Palestine. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Sayigh, Rosemary. 1979. Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries : A People’s History. Zed Press.
Shlaim, Avi. 2009. Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations. London ; Verso.
Tessler, Mark. 2009. A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Indiana University Press.
One-State Solution
In my opinion, Abunimah, Said, Qumsiyeh, and Karmi are the most eloquent champions of the project for a single, democratic state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.
Abunimah, Ali. 2006. One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse. Macmillan.
Beinart, Peter. 2020. “Opinion | I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State.” The New York Times .
Beinart, Peter. 2020. “Yavne: A Jewish Case for Equality in Israel-Palestine.” Jewish Currents.
Darwish, Mahmoud. 1988. “Palestinian Declaration of Independence.”
Eid, Haidar. 2024. “A Vision for Freedom Is More Important than Ever.” Mondoweiss.
Eid, Haidar. 2023. Decolonising the Palestinian Mind. LeftWord Books.
Loewenstein, Antony, and Ahmed Moor. 2024. After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine. Saqi.
Farsakh, Leila H. 2021. Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition. Univ of California Press.
Karmi, Ghada. 2023. One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel. Pluto Press. Muasher, Marwan. 2021. “After the Two-State Solution.” Foreign Affairs.
Pappe, Ilan. 2024. A Very Short History of the Israel–Palestine Conflict. Simon and Schuster.
Qumsiyeh, Mazin B. 2004. Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle. London: Pluto Press.
Said, Edward. 1999. “The One-State Solution.” The New York Times.
Critiques of 'Solutionism'
Lustick, Ian S. 2023. “The Future of Israel-Palestine: Solutionism and the One-State Reality.” In XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (June 25-July 1, 2023), ISA.
McNally, Ed. 2024. “Against Solutionism.” NLR/Sidecar.
Zionism and Anti-Zionism
Where to start?
Classic Texts:
Hertzberg, Arthur. 1969. The Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis and Reader. Atheneum.
Laqueur, Walter. 2009. A History of Zionism: From the French Revolution to the Establishment of the State of Israel. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Halbrook, Stephen. 1972. “The Class Origins of Zionist Ideology.” Journal of Palestine Studies 2(1): 86–110.
Said, Edward W. 1979. “Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims.” Social Text (1): 7–58.
Shumsky, Dmitry. 2018. Beyond the Nation-State: The Zionist Political Imagination from Pinsker to Ben-Gurion. Yale University Press.
Herzl, Theodor. 2015. A Jewish State: Proposal of a Modern Solution for the Jewish Question. BoD – Books on Demand.
Said, Edward W., and David Barsamian. 2010. The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward Said. Haymarket Books.
Christian Zionism and Anti-Zionism:
Sizer, Stephen. 2021. Christian Zionism: Road-Map to Armageddon? Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Makdisi, Ussama. 1997. “Reclaiming the Land of the Bible: Missionaries, Secularism, and Evangelical Modernity.” The American historical review 102(3): 680–713.
Washington, Dumisani. 2021. Zionism and the Black Church: Why Standing with Israel Will Be a Defining Issue for Christians of Color in the 21st Century. Umndeni Press.
Gidron, Yotam. 2024. “Africa’s Christian Zionist Frontiers.” Religion Compass 18(9): e70004.
Frantzman, Seth J., and Ruth Kark. 2014. “The Catholic Church in Palestine/Israel: Real Estate in Terra Sancta.” Middle Eastern Studies 50(3): 370–96.
Smith, Robert O. 2013. More Desired than Our Owne Salvation: The Roots of Christian Zionism. Oxford University Press.
Stevens, Richard P. 1981. “The Vatican, the Catholic Church and Jerusalem.” Journal of Palestine Studies 10(3): 100–110.
Baumann, Roger. 2024. Black Visions of the Holy Land: African American Christian Engagement with Israel and Palestine. Columbia University Press.
Haija, Rammy M. 2006. “The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of Us Policy Towards Israel-Palestine.” Holy Land Studies 5(1): 75–95.
Robins, Walker. 2020. Between Dixie and Zion: Southern Baptists and Palestine before Israel. University of Alabama Press.
British 'Genteel' Zionism:
Lewis, Donald M. 2014. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland. Cambridge University Press.
Beckerman, Carly. 2020. Unexpected State: British Politics and the Creation of Israel. Indiana University Press.
Cohen, Stuart. 2014. English Zionists and British Jews: The Communal Politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1896-1920. Princeton University Press.
Shimoni, Gideon. 1977. “Jan Christiaan Smuts and Zionism.” Jewish Social Studies 39(4): 269–98.
Cronin, David. 2017. Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel. Pluto Press.
Makovsky, David, Michael Makovsky, and New Republic. 2007. Churchill’s Promised Land: Zionism and Statecraft. Yale University Press.
Kayyali, Abdul-Wahab. 1977. “Zionism and Imperialism: The Historical Origins.” Journal of Palestine Studies 6(3): 98–112.
Liebreich, Freddy. 2004. Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1949. Routledge.
Biographies of Famous Zionists
The best way to get to know a political movement or ideology intimately is to read the biographies of its most famous proponents.
Penslar, Derek. 2020. Theodor Herzl: The Charismatic Leader. Yale University Press.
Mirsky, Yehudah. 2014. Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution. Yale University Press.
Jabotinsky, Vladimir. 2015. Vladimir Jabotinsky’s Story of My Life. Wayne State University Press.
Segev, Tom. 2019. A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Gurion. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Magid, Shaul. 2021. Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical. Princeton University Press.
Laron, Guy. 2024. “Israel’s Bonapart.” Catalyst: A Journal of Theory & Strategy 8(1).
Kimmerling, Baruch. 2003. Politicide: Ariel Sharon’s War Against the Palestinians. Verso.
Israeli Anti-Zionism and Critiques of Zionism
Fiedler, Lutz. 2022. Matzpen: A History of Israeli Dissidence. Edinburgh University Press.
Boyarin, Daniel. 2023. The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto. Yale University Press.
Boehm, Omri. 2021. Haifa Republic: A Democratic Future for Israel. New York Review of Books.
Gordon, Uri, and Ohal Grietzer. 2013. Anarchists Against the Wall: Direct Action and Solidarity with the Palestinian Popular Struggle. AK Press.
Manekin, Mikhael. 2024. End of Days Ethics, Tradition, and Power in Israel. Academic Studies PRess.
Greenstein, Ran. 2014. Zionism and Its Discontents: A Century of Radical Dissent in Israel/Palestine. Pluto Press.
רז-קרקוצקין, אמנון, and בועז הוס. 2022. תודעת משנה, תודעת מקרא: צפת והתרבות הציונית. מכון ון ליר בירושלים והוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד.
American Jewish Anti-Zionism and Critiques
Angel, Arielle. 2024. “Leaving Zion.” New Left Review (148): 23–40.
Feld, Marjorie N. 2024. The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of Zionism. NYU Press.
Saposnik, Arieh. 2021. Zionism’s Redemptions: Images of the Past and Visions of the Future in Jewish Nationalism. Cambridge University Press.
Vogt, Stefan, Derek Penslar, and Arieh Saposnik. 2023. Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism. Brandeis University Press.
Omer, Atalia. 2019. Days of Awe: Reimagining Jewishness in Solidarity with Palestinians. University of Chicago Press.
Graubart, Jonathan. 2023. Jewish Self-Determination Beyond Zionism: Lessons from Hannah Arendt and Other Pariahs. Temple University Press.
Kroll-Zeldin, Oren. 2024. Unsettled: American Jews and the Movement for Justice in Palestine. NYU Press.
Levin, Geoffrey. 2023. Our Palestine Question: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978. Yale University Press.
Elhalaby, Esmat, and Maya Wind. 2024. “Palestinian Liberation and Zionist Ideology at the Western University.” South Atlantic Quarterly: 11623532.
Zionism and Israel
Tonder, Gerry van. 2019. Irgun: Revisionist Zionism, 1931–1948. Casemate Publishers.
Piterberg, Gabriel. 2020. The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Scholarship in Israel. Verso Books.
Kimmerling, Baruch. 2001. The Invention and Decline of Israeliness: State, Society, and the Military. Univ of California Press.
Kaye, Alexander. 2020. The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel. Oxford University Press.
Gorni, Yosef. 1987. Zionism and the Arabs, 1882-1948: A Study of Ideology. Clarendon Press.
Lustick, Ian. 1988. For the Land and the Lord: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Council on Foreign Relations.
Wallach, Yair. 2017. “Rethinking the Yishuv : Late-Ottoman Palestine’s Jewish Communities Revisited.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 16(2): 275–94.
Segev, Tom. 2018. 1949 the First Israelis. Simon and Schuster.
Shitrit, Lihi Ben. 2015. Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right. Princeton University Press. [Also covers Palestinian right-wing women's activism]
Zionism and the Diaspora
Fleisch, Eric. 2024. Checkbook Zionism: Philanthropy and Power in the Israel-Diaspora Relationship. Rutgers University Press.
Penslar, Derek J. 2023. Zionism: An Emotional State. Rutgers University Press.
Reinharz, Shulamit, and Mark A. Raider. 2005. American Jewish Women and the Zionist Enterprise. UPNE.
Alroey, Gur. 2014. An Unpromising Land: Jewish Migration to Palestine in the Early Twentieth Century. Stanford University Press.
Alroey, Gur. 2024. Land of Refuge: Immigration to Palestine, 1919–1927. Indiana University Press.
Magid, Shaul. 2023. The Necessity of Exile: Essays from a Distance. Ayin Press.
Massad, Joseph. 1996. “Zionism’s Internal Others: Israel and the Oriental Jews.” Journal of Palestine Studies 25(4): 53–68.
Leifer, Joshua. 2024. Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life. Penguin.
Shlaim, Avi. 2023. Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew. London: Oneworld Publications.
Zionism and the Holocaust
Zertal, Idith. 2005. Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood. Cambridge University Press.
Zertal, Idith. 2023. From Catastrophe to Power: The Holocaust Survivors and the Emergence of Israel. University of California Press.
Elhanan-Peled, Nurit. 2023. Holocaust Education and the Semiotics of Othering in Israeli Schoolbooks. Common Ground Research Networks.
Friling, Tuvia. 2005. Arrows in the Dark (Volumes 1 and 2): David Ben-Gurion, the Yishuv Leadership, and Rescue Attempts during the Holocaust. Univ of Wisconsin Press.
Finkelstein, Norman G. 2020. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. Verso Books.
Finkelstein, Norman G. 2003. The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. Verso.
Segev, Tom. 2019. The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust. Macmillan + ORM.
Segal, Raz. 2024. “Settler Antisemitism, Israeli Mass Violence, and the Crisis of Holocaust and Genocide Studies.” Journal of Palestine Studies 53(2): 50–73.
Klein, Shira. 2025. “The Growing Rift between Holocaust Scholars over Israel/Palestine.” Journal of Genocide Research: 1–21.
Muslim and Arab Zionism (Collaborators, Minorities)
Cohen, Hillel. 2008. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948. University of California Press.
Cohen, Hillel. 2010. Good Arabs: The Israeli Security Agencies and the Israeli Arabs, 1948–1967. Univ of California Press.
Shavit, Uriya. 2015. “Zionism as Told by Rashid Rida.” Journal of Israeli History 34(1): 23–44.
Firro, Kais M. 2021. The Druzes in the Jewish State: A Brief History. BRILL.
Beška, Emanuel. 2016. From Ambivalence to Hostility: The Arabic Newspaper Filastin and Zionism, 1911-1914. Ústav orientalistiky SAV.
Zionism and Genetics and Genealogy:
El-Haj, Nadia Abu. 2012. The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology. University of Chicago Press.
Das, Ranajit, Paul Wexler, Mehdi Pirooznia, and Eran Elhaik. 2017. “The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish.” Frontiers in Genetics 8: 87.
Fernandes, Verónica, Petr Triska, Joana B. Pereira, Farida Alshamali, Teresa Rito, Alison Machado, Zuzana Fajkošová, et al. 2015. “Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia.” PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118625.
Sand, Shlomo. 2012. The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland. Verso Books.
Arnaiz-Villena, Antonio, et al. 2001. “The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness with Other Mediterranean Populations.” Human Immunology 62(9): 889–900.
Palestinian and Arab (Intellectual) Responses to Zionism
Azoury, Naguib. 1905. “The Awakening of the Arab Nation.”
Makdisi, Saree. 2022. Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial. Univ of California Press.
Stifan, Ateek, Naim. 2017. A Palestinian Theology of Liberation: The Bible, Justice, and the Palestine-Israel Conflict. Orbis Books.
El-Kurd, Mohammed. 2025. Perfect Victims: And the Politics of Appeal. Haymarket Books.
Karmi, Ghada. 2007. Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine. London: Pluto Press.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2010. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. Columbia University Press.
Mandel, Neville J. 1976. The Arabs and Zionism before World War I. Univ of California Press.
Massad, Joseph. 2000. “Palestinians and Jewish History: Recognition or Submission?” Journal of Palestine Studies 30(1): 52–67.
Massad, Joseph. 2006. The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians. Routledge.
Said, Edward W. 1992. The Question of Palestine. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Said, Edward W., and David Barsamian. 2010. The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward Said. Haymarket Books.
Muslih, Muhammad Y. 1988. The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism. Columbia University Press.
Settler Colonialism
The Classics
Shafir, Gershon. 1996. Land, Labor and the Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882-1914. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Pappé, Ilan. 2008. “Zionism as Colonialism: A Comparative View of Diluted Colonialism in Asia and Africa.” South Atlantic Quarterly 107(4): 611–33.
Rodinson, Maxime. 2001. Israel--: A Colonial-Settler State? Pathfinder Press.
Jabbour, George. 1970. Settler Colonialism in Southern Africa and the Middle East. University of Khartoum.
Sayegh, Fayez Abdullah. 1965. Zionist Colonialism in Palestine. Research Center, Palestine Liberation Organization Beirut.
Zureik, Elia T. 2023 [1979]. The Palestinians in Israel: A Study in Internal Colonialism. Taylor & Francis.
Khalidi, Rashid I. 2017. “Historical Landmarks in the Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.” Journal of Palestine Studies 47(1): 6–17.
Masalha, Nur. 1992. Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of “Transfer” in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948. Institute for Palestine Studies.
Settler Colonial Theory:
Sabbagh-Khoury, Areej. 2022. “Tracing Settler Colonialism: A Genealogy of a Paradigm in the Sociology of Knowledge Production in Israel.” Politics & Society 50(1): 44–83.
Wolfe, Patrick. 2006. “Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native.” Journal of genocide research 8(4): 387–409.
Veracini, Lorenzo. 2010. Settler Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview. Houndmills, Basingstoke ; Palgrave Macmillan.
Veracini, Lorenzo. 2013. “‘Settler Colonialism’: Career of a Concept.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 41(2): 313–33.
Bateman, Fiona, and Lionel Pilkington. 2011. Studies in Settler Colonialism: Politics, Identity and Culture. Springer.
Jamal, Amal. 2017. “Neo-Zionism and Palestine: The Unveiling of Settler-Colonial Practices in Mainstream Zionism.” Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 16(1): 47–78.
Amoruso, Francesco, Ilan Pappé, and Sophie Richter-Devroe. 2019. “Introduction: Knowledge, Power, and the ‘Settler Colonial Turn’ in Palestine Studies.” Interventions 21(4): 451–63.
Wolfe, Patrick. 2012. “Purchase by Other Means: The Palestine Nakba and Zionism’s Conquest of Economics.” Settler Colonial Studies 2(1): 133–71.
Alroey, Gur. 2014. An Unpromising Land: Jewish Migration to Palestine in the Early Twentieth Century. Stanford University Press.
Alroey, Gur. 2024. Land of Refuge: Immigration to Palestine, 1919–1927. Indiana University Press.
Sabbagh-Khoury, Areej. 2023. Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba. Stanford University Press.
Seikaly, Sherene. 2015. Men of Capital: Scarcity and Economy in Mandate Palestine. Stanford University Press.
Haddad, H. S. 1974. “The Biblical Bases of Zionist Colonialism.” Journal of Palestine Studies 3(4): 97–113.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2021. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. First Picador paperback edition. New York: Picador.
Pappe, Ilan. 2015. “The Framing of the Question of Palestine by the Early Palestinian Press: Zionist Settler-Colonialism and the Newspaper Filastin , 1912–1922.” Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 14(1): 59–81.
Gribetz, Jonathan Marc. 2014. Defining Neighbors: Religion, Race, and the Early Zionist-Arab Encounter. Princeton University Press.
In Comparative Perspective
Lustick, Ian S. 2018. Unsettled States, Disputed Lands: Britain and Ireland, France and Algeria, Israel and the West Bank-Gaza. Cornell University Press.
Piterberg, Gabriel. 2013. “The Zionist Colonization of Palestine in the Context of Comparative Settler Colonialism.” In Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st Century, Indiana University Press.
Finkelstein, Norman. 1995. “History’s Verdict: The Cherokee Case.” Journal of Palestine Studies 24(4): 32–45.
Greenstein, Ran. 2022. Anti-Colonial Resistance in South Africa and Israel/Palestine: Identity, Nationalism, and Race. Taylor & Francis.
Greenstein, Ran. 2019. “Colonialism, Apartheid and the Native Question: The Case of Israel/Palestine.” In Racism After Apartheid, Challenges for Marxism and Anti-Racism, ed. Vishwas Satgar. Wits University Press, 75–95.
Khalidi, Walid. 2009. “The Hebrew Reconquista of Palestine: From the 1947 United Nations Partition Resolution to the First Zionist Congress of 1897.” Journal of Palestine Studies 39(1): 24–42.
Khoury, Rana B. 2011. “Western Sahara and Palestine: A Comparative Study of Colonialisms, Occupations, and Nationalisms.” New Middle Eastern Studies 1.
Krain, Mark. 1972. “A Comparative Study of Transplantations of Nationalism: The Cases of Israel, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.” International Review of Modern Sociology 2(2): 168–89.
Wildeman, Jeremy, and M. Muhannad Ayyash. 2024. Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine. University of Alberta.
Williams, Michael W. 1991. “Pan-Africanism and Zionism: The Delusion of Comparability.” Journal of Black Studies 21(3): 348–71.
Massad, Joseph. 2022. “Liberia: The African-American Settler Colony That Parallels Israel.” Middle East Eye.
Critiques of the Paradigm:
Locker-Biletzki, Amir. 2020. “Rethinking Settler Colonialism: A Marxist Critique of Gershon Shafir.” In Rethinking Israel and Palestine, Routledge, 111–31.
McNamee, Lachlan. 2023. Settling for Less: Why States Colonize and Why They Stop. Princeton, N. J: Princeton University Press.
Penslar, Derek J. 2013. “Zionism, Colonialism and Postcolonialism.” In Israeli Historical Revisionism, Routledge, 84–98.
Johnson, David. 2023. “‘Settler Colonialism’ Can’t Fully Explain Our World.” Catalyst: A Journal of Theory & Strategy.
Veracini, Lorenzo. 2022. “Settler Colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa: A Protracted History.” Middle East Report 302.
Wallach, Yair. 2023a. “The Racial Logic of Palestine’s Partition.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 46(8): 1576–98.
Wallach, Yair. 2023b. “Tourist, Pilgrim, Migrant, Settler: Rethinking the Modern History of Ashkenazim in the Levant Through Sites of Hospitality.” Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 10(2): 68–94.
Human Rights Reports:
Al-Haq. 2022. Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
B’Tselem. 2021. A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This Is Apartheid.
Amnesty International. 2022. Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity.
Human Rights Watch. 2022. A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution.
Classics, Best Reads:
Erakat, Noura. 2020. Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine. Stanford University Press.
Hanegbi, Haim, Moshe Machover, and Akiva Orr. 1971. The Class Nature of Israeli Society. Pluto Press.
Davis, Uri. 2003. Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within. Zed Books.
Jacobs, Sean, and Jon Soske. 2015. Apartheid Israel: The Politics of an Analogy. Haymarket Books.
Eid, Haidar. 2023. Decolonising the Palestinian Mind. LeftWord Books.
Pappé, Ilan. 2015. Israel and South Africa: The Many Faces of Apartheid. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Greenstein, Ran. 2022. Anti-Colonial Resistance in South Africa and Israel/Palestine: Identity, Nationalism, and Race. Taylor & Francis.
Also Good:
White, Ben. 2014. Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide. Pluto Press.
Abdelnour, Samer. 2013. “Beyond South Africa: Understanding Israeli Apartheid.” Al-Shabaka.
Zureik, Elia T. 2023. The Palestinians in Israel: A Study in Internal Colonialism. Taylor & Francis.
Weizman, Eyal. 2024. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. Verso Books.
Ariely, Gal. 2021. Israel’s Regime Untangled: Between Democracy and Apartheid. Cambridge University Press.
Israeli Apartheid as an Economic and Intellectual Regime
Eid, Haidar, and Andy Clarno. 2017. “Rethinking Our Definition of Apartheid: Not Just a Political Regime.” Al-Shabaka.
Ross, Andrew. 2021. Stone Men: The Palestinians Who Built Israel. Verso Books.
Bier, Jess. 2017. Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Occupied Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge. MIT Press.
Loewenstein, Antony. 2023. The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. Verso Books.
Wind, Maya. 2024. Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom. Verso Books.
Braverman, Irus. 2023. Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel. U of Minnesota Press.
Polakow-Suransky, Sasha. 2011. The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Sultany, Nimer. 2012. “The Making of an Underclass: The Palestinian Citizens of Israel.” Israel Studies Review 27(2): 190–200.
Framing Israel-Palestine as Apartheid
Jamjoun, Hazem. 2009. “Not an Analogy: Israel and the Crime of Apartheid.” The Electronic Intifada.
Nates, Tali. 2010. “‘But, Apartheid Was Also Genocide … What about Our Suffering?’ Teaching the Holocaust in South Africa – Opportunities and Challenges.” Intercultural Education.
Kattan, Victor. 2024. “Apartheid as a Form of Genocide: Reflections on South Africa v Israel.” EJIL: Talk!
Hijab, Nadia, and Ingrid Jaradat Gassner. 2017. “Talking Palestine: What Frame of Analysis? Which Goals and Messages?” Al-Shabaka.
Challenging Apartheid:
Younis, Mona. 2000. Liberation and Democratization: The South African and Palestinian National Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Barghouti, Omar. 2011. BDS: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions : The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights. Haymarket Books.
Barghouti, Omar, Naomi Klein, and Ilan Pappe. 2012. The Case for Sanctions Against Israel. Verso Books.
Schwartzman, Kathleen C., and Kristie A. Taylor. 1999. “What Caused the Collapse of Apartheid?” Journal of Political & Military Sociology 27(1): 109–39.
Takriti, Abdel Razzaq. 2019. “Before BDS: Lineages of Boycott in Palestine.” Radical History Review 2019(134): 58–95.
Palestinian Politics and Armed Struggle
Top Picks:
Sayigh, Yezid. 1997. Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993. Clarendon Press.
Abdo, Nahla. 1992. “Racism, Zionism and the Palestinian Working Class, 1920-1947.” Studies in Political Economy 37(1): 59–92.
Younis, Mona. 2000. Liberation and Democratization: The South African and Palestinian National Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Ḥarūb, Khālid. 2000. Hamas: Political Thought and Practice. Institute for Palestine Studies.
Jamal, Amal. 2005. The Palestinian National Movement: Politics of Contention, 1967-2005. Indiana University Press.
Baconi, Tareq. 2018. Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance. Stanford University Press.
Krause, Peter. 2017. Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win. Cornell University Press.
Arafat, Yassir. 1974. “Gun and Olive Branch Speech at UN General Assembly.”
Kanafani, Ghassan, Hazem Jamjoum, Layan Sima Fuleihan, and Maher al-Sharif. 2023. The Revolution of 1936–1939 in Palestine: Background, Details, and Analysis. New York: 1804 Books.
Biographies and Leaders
Kanafani, Ghassan. 2024a. Ghassan Kanafani: Selected Political Writings. Pluto Press.
Al-Azm, Sadik J. 1988. “Palestinian Zionism.” Die Welt des Islams (1/4): 90–98.
Galia, Eli. 2017. George Habash - political biography: ideology and politics in the struggle for Palestine. [Hebrew] Tel Aviv: Resling.
Khaled, Leila, and George Hajjar. 1975. My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary. NC Press.
Lachman, Shai. 2015. “Arab Rebellion and Terrorism in Palestine 1929-39 The Case of Sheikh Izz al-Din al-Qassam and His Movement.” In Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine), Routledge, 52–99.
Mattar, Philip. 1988. “The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Politics of Palestine.” Middle East Journal 42(2): 227–40.
Mattar, Philip. 1992. The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni and the Palestinian National Movement. Columbia University Press.
Nafi, Basheer M. 1997. “Shaykh ʿizz Al-Dīn Al-Qassām: A Reformist and a Rebel Leader.” Journal of Islamic Studies 8(2): 185–215.
Nasrallah, Sayyed Hassan. 2020. Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Verso Books. [not Palestinian but part of the scene.]
Sorek, Tamir. 2020. The Optimist: A Social Biography of Tawfiq Zayyad. Stanford University Press.
Klein, Menachem. 2019. Arafat and Abbas: Portraits of Leadership in a State Postponed. Oxford University Press.
Sharif, Bassam Abu. 2009. Arafat and the Dream of Palestine: An Insider’s Account. St. Martin’s Publishing Group.
Violence and Armed Struggle
Pearlman, Wendy. 2011. Violence, Nonviolence, and the Palestinian National Movement. Cambridge University Press.
Sayigh, Yezid. 1986. “Palestinian Armed Struggle: Means and Ends.” Journal of Palestine Studies 16(1): 95–112.
Sayigh, Yezid. 1997. “Armed Struggle and State Formation.” Journal of Palestine Studies 26(4): 17–32.
Roy, Sara. 2021. Unsilencing Gaza: Reflections on Resistance. Pluto Press.
Berrebi, Claude, and Esteban F. Klor. 2008. “Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate.” American Political Science Review 102(3): 279–301.
Getmansky, Anna, and Thomas Zeitzoff. 2014. “Terrorism and Voting: The Effect of Rocket Threat on Voting in Israeli Elections.” American Political Science Review 108(3): 588–604.
Parkinson, Sarah Elizabeth. 2013. “Organizing Rebellion: Rethinking High-Risk Mobilization and Social Networks in War.” American Political Science Review 107(3): 418–32.
Islamism in particular
Abu-Amr, Ziad. 1994. Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad. Indiana University Press.
Brenner, Bjorn. 2016. Gaza Under Hamas: From Islamic Democracy to Islamist Governance. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Cammett, Melani. 2014. Compassionate Communalism: Welfare and Sectarianism in Lebanon. Cornell University Press.
Gunning, Jeroen. 2023. Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence. Hurst Publishers.
Mishal, Shaul, and Avraham Sela. 2006. The Palestinian Hamas: Vision, Violence, and Coexistence. Columbia University Press.
Norton, Augustus Richard. 2014. Hezbollah: A Short History - Updated Edition. Princeton University Press.
Skare, Erik. 2021. A History of Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Faith, Awareness, and Revolution in the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.
Tamimi, Azzam. 2024. Hamas: Unwritten Chapters. Hurst Publishers.
Shitrit, Lihi Ben. 2015. Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right. Princeton University Press. [Also covers the Haredi Right]
Gribetz, Jonathan Marc. 2024. Reading Herzl in Beirut: The PLO Effort to Know the Enemy. Princeton University Press.
Al-Hout, Shafiq. 2010. My Life in the PLO: The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle. Pluto Press.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2014. Under Siege: PLO Decisionmaking During the 1982 War. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.
Sayigh, Yezid. 1997. Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993. Clarendon Press.
Before Nakba and Within-48
Jamal, Amal. 2020. Reconstructing the Civic: Palestinian Civil Activism in Israel. State University of New York Press.
Nassar, Maha. 2020. Brothers Apart: Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Arab World. Stanford University Press.
Fleischmann, Ellen L. 2000. “The Emergence of the Palestinian Women’s Movement, 1929-39.” Journal of Palestine Studies 29(3): 16–32.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2007. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood. Beacon Press.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2010. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. Columbia University Press.
Leopardi, Francesco Saverio. 2020. The Palestinian Left and Its Decline: Loyal Opposition. Springer Nature.
Mandel, Neville J. 1976. The Arabs and Zionism Before World War I. University of California Press.
Swedenburg, Ted. 1988. 1988 The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt (1936-1939). IB Tauris London.
Pappe, Ilan. 2011. The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel. Yale University Press.
Palestinian Authority
Jamal, Amaney A. 2009. Barriers to Democracy: The Other Side of Social Capital in Palestine and the Arab World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Kurd, Dana El. 2020. Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine. Oxford University Press.
The Future
Abdaljawad, Omar. 2024. “The Question of Hamas and the Left.” Mondoweiss.
Khalidi, Rashid. 2024. “‘A New Abyss’: Gaza and the Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.” The Guardian.
Lustick, Ian. 2024. “Old and New Strategies for Exploiting Structural Change in Palestine/Israel: A Review Essay.”
Lustick, Ian S., and Amal Jamal. 2023. “Israel/Palestine: The One-State Reality Implications and Dynamics.” Frontiers in Political Science 5: 1247990.
First Hand Accounts
John, Robert. 1970. The Palestine Diary. New York: New World Press.
Karmi, Ghada. 1994. “The 1948 Exodus: A Family Story.” Journal of Palestine Studies 23(2): 31–40.
Khalidi, Walid. 1992. All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948. Institute for Palestine Studies.
Turki, Fawaz. 1974. The Disinherited: Journal of a Palestinian Exile. NYU Press.
Sayigh, Rosemary. 1979. Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries : A People’s History. Zed Press.
Srouji, Elias. 2003. “The Last Days of ‘Free Galilee’: Memories of 1948.” Journal of Palestine Studies 33(1): 55–67.
Zochrot Collection of Nakba Testimonies.
Palestinian Oral History Archive, American University of Beirut.
Pappe, Ilan. 2007. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Simon and Schuster.
Raz, Adam. 2024. Loot: How Israel Stole Palestinian Property. Verso Books.
Cohen, Hillel. 2015. Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929. Brandeis University Press.
Morris, Benny. 2004. 18 The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge University Press.
Masalha, Nur. 1991. “A Critique of Benny Morris.” Journal of Palestine Studies 21(1): 90–97. doi:10.2307/2537367.
Hadawi, Sami. 1991. Bitter Harvest: A Modern History of Palestine. Olive Branch Press.
Masalha, Nur. 1992. “Expulsion of the Palestinians.” Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies.
Masalha, Nur. 2012. The Palestine Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory. Zed Books Ltd.
Aranguren, Teresa, and Sandra Barrilaro, eds. 2024. Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba. Haymarket Books.
Eghbariah, Rabea. 2024. “Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept.” Columbia Law Review 124(4).
Bashir, Bashir, and Amos Goldberg. 2018. The Holocaust and the Nakba: A New Grammar of Trauma and History. Columbia University Press.
Ganim, Asʻad. 2001. The Palestinian-Arab Minority in Israel, 1948-2000: A Political Study. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Khoury, Elias. 2012. “Rethinking the Nakba.” Critical Inquiry 38(2): 250–66.
Masalha, Nur. 2008. “Remembering the Palestinian Nakba: Commemoration, Oral History and Narratives of Memory.” Holy Land Studies 7(2): 123–56.
Sa’di, Ahmad H., and Lila Abu-Lughod. 2007. Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory. Columbia University Press.
Shlaim, Avi. 2009. Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations. London ; Verso.
Touma, Emile. 1977. “Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews.” Journal of Palestine Studies 6(2): 3–8.
Peace Process, Diplomacy
Khalidi, Rashid. 2013. Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East. Beacon Press.
Lustick, Ian S. 2019. Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Tessler, Mark. 2009. A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Indiana University Press.
Sela, Avraham. 2012. The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Middle East Politics and the Quest for Regional Order. State University of New York Press.
Anziska, Seth. 2020. Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo. Princeton University Press.
Thrall, Nathan. 2017. The Only Language They Understand: Forcing Compromise in Israel and Palestine. Henry Holt and Company.
Said, Edward W. 2007. The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After. Vintage.
Halliday, Fred. 2005. The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology. Cambridge University Press.
Kark, Ruth. 1994. American Consuls in the Holy Land, 1832-1914. Wayne State University Press.
Lustick, Ian S., and Amal Jamal. 2023. “Israel/Palestine: The One-State Reality Implications and Dynamics.” Frontiers in Political Science 5: 1247990.
Fakhro, Elham. 2024. The Abraham Accords: The Gulf States, Israel, and the Limits of Normalization. Columbia University Press.
El Kurd, Dana. 2023. “The Paradox of Peace: The Impact of Normalization with Israel on the Arab World.” Global Studies Quarterly 3(3).
Gaza Genocide
Dividing this into 1) first hand accounts, 2) official reports 3) scholarly conclusions, 3) media reporting, 4) historic background conditions, 5) academic theory and disputes.
First Hand Accounts
Saif, Atef Abu. 2024. Don’t Look Left: A Diary of Genocide. Beacon Press.
Teller, Matthew, and Mahmoud Muna. 2024. Daybreak in Gaza: Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture. Saqi Books.
Aziza, Sarah. 2024. “The Work of the Witness.” Jewish Currents.
Salmiya, Muhammad Abu. 2024. “Stop the Gaza Genocide Immediately.” The Lancet 403(10441): 2286–87.
Levy, Gideon. 2024. The Killing of Gaza: Reports on a Catastrophe. Verso Books.
Refaat, Alareer. 2024. “The Unpublished Genocide Diaries of Refaat Alareer.” The Electronic Intifada.
Moor, Ahmed. 2024. “We Are Not from Where We Are From.” Boston Review.
Toha, Mosab Abu. 2023. “Gazan Family Letters, 2092.” The Nation.
Toha, Mosab Abu. 2023. “A Palestinian Poet’s Perilous Journey Out of Gaza.” The New Yorker.
Toha, Mosab Abu. 2024. “The Gaza We Leave Behind.” The New Yorker.
Toha, Mosab Abu. 2024. “Requiem for a Refugee Camp.” The New Yorker.
Makdisi, Saree. 2024. “No Human Being Can Exist.” n+1 (47: Passage).
Barakat, Abeer. 2024. “My Grandmother Survived the Nakba—Now I Hope to Survive a Genocide.” The Nation.
Amnesty International. 2024. ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza.
Human Rights Watch. 2024. Extermination and Acts of Genocide: Israel Deliberately Depriving Palestinians in Gaza of Water.
Forensic Architecture. 2024. Cartography of Genocide: A Spatial Analysis of the Israeli Military’s Conduct in Gaza since October 2023.
Al-Haq. 2024. How to Hide a Genocide: The Role of Evacuation Orders and Safe Zones in Israel’s Genocidal Campaign in Gaza.
Al-Haq. 2024. The Systematic Destruction of Gaza’s Healthcare System: A Pattern of Genocide.
Albanese, Francesca. 2024. Anatomy of a Genocide. UN Human Rights Council.
MIT Coalition for Palestine. 2024. MIT Science for Genocide.
Doctors Without Borders. 2024. Gaza: Life in a Death Trap.
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. 2024. Gaza and the Matter of Genocide: Q&A on the Law and Recent Developments.
South Africa's original application to the International Court of Justice and request for additional measures in South Africa v. Israel (ongoing).
B'Tselem. 2024. Welcome to Hell: The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps.
B’Tselem. 2024. Manufacturing Famine: Israel Is Committing the War Crime of Starvation in the Gaza Strip.
Scholarly Conclusions
Neier, Aryeh. 2024. “Is Israel Committing Genocide?” The New York Review of Books 71(10).
Raz Segal. December 9, 2023. Statement of [55] Scholars in Holocaust and Genocide Studies on Mass Violence in Israel and Palestine since 7 October.
Asi, Yara, et al. 2024. “‘Nowhere and No One Is Safe’: Spatial Analysis of Damage to Critical Civilian Infrastructure in the Gaza Strip during the First Phase of the Israeli Military Campaign, 7 October to 22 November 2023.” Conflict and Health 18(1): 24.
Bartov, Israel. 2024. “As a Former IDF Soldier and Historian of Genocide, I Was Deeply Disturbed by My Recent Visit to Israel.” The Guardian.
Jamshidi, Maryam. 2024. “Reflecting on Genocidal Intent in the ICJ Case.” Opinio Juris.
Huynh, Benjamin Q., Elizabeth T. Chin, and Paul B. Spiegel. 2024. “No Evidence of Inflated Mortality Reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health.” The Lancet 403 (10421): 23–24.
Khatib, Rasha, Martin McKee, and Salim Yusuf. 2024. “Counting the Dead in Gaza: Difficult but Essential.” The Lancet 404(10449): 237–38.
Bartov, Omer. 2023. “Opinion | What I Believe as a Historian of Genocide.” The New York Times.
Mordechai, Lee. 2024. “Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War.” Working Paper.
Segal, Raz. 2023. “A Textbook Case of Genocide.” Jewish Currents 13.
Shaw, Martin. “Inescapably Genocidal.” Journal of Genocide Research: 1–5.
Sultany, Nimer. 2024. “A Threshold Crossed: On Genocidal Intent and the Duty to Prevent Genocide in Palestine.” Journal of Genocide Research.
Roth, Kenneth. 2024. “A Case Can Be Made That Israel Has Genocidal Intent.” Boston Globe.
Media Reporting
Rosen, Maya. 2024. “Facing Amalek.” Jewish Currents.
Perugini, Nicola, and Neve Gordon. 2024. “A Legal Justification for Genocide.” Jewish Currents.
Landau, Idan. 2024. “Exterminate, Expel, Resettle: Israel’s Endgame in Northern Gaza.” +972 Magazine.
Ziv, Oren. 2024. “‘I’m Bored, so I Shoot’: The Israeli Army’s Approval of Free-for-All Violence in Gaza.” +972 Magazine.
Stevenson, Tom. 2024. “Rubble from Bone.” London Review of Books 46(03).
Erakat, Noura, Ahmed Moor, Noor Hindi, Mohammed El-Kurd, and Laila Al-Arian. 2024. “What Does It Mean to Be Palestinian Now?"
Zonszein, Mairav. 2024. “The Problem Isn’t Just Netanyahu. It’s Israeli Society.” Foreign Policy.
Mishra, Pankaj. 2024. “The Shoah after Gaza.” London Review of Books 46(06).
McGreal, Chris. 2023. “The Language Being Used to Describe Palestinians Is Genocidal.” The Guardian.
Iraqi, Amjad. 2023. “After the Flood.” London Review of Books 45(21).
Shatz, Adam. 2023. “Vengeful Pathologies.” London Review of Books 45(21).
Shatz, Adam. 2024. “After Nasrallah.” London Review of Books 46(20).
Griswold, Eliza. 2024. “The Children Who Lost Limbs in Gaza.” The New Yorker.
Tapper, Malaika Kanaaneh. 2024. “Gaza Aid Close to All-Time Lows despite US Warning to Israel.” Financial Times.
Background Conditions
Elhalaby, Esmat. 2024. “Toward an Intellectual History of Genocide in Gaza.” The Baffler.
Finkelstein, Norman. 2021. Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom. Univ of California Press.
Omar, Abdaljawad. 2023. “Can the Palestinian Mourn?” Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal.
Kimmerling, Baruch. 2003. Politicide: Ariel Sharon’s War Against the Palestinians. Verso.
Pappe, Ilan. 2007. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Simon and Schuster.
Abujidi, Nurhan. 2014. Urbicide in Palestine: Spaces of Oppression and Resilience. Routledge.
Roy, Sara M. 1995. The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development. Institute for Palestine Studies.
Shafer Raviv, Omri. 2021. “Israeli Emigration Policies in the Gaza Strip: Crafting Demography and Forming Control in the Aftermath of the 1967 War.” Middle Eastern Studies 57(2): 342–56.
Jafarnia, Niku. 2024. “Extermination and Acts of Genocide.” Human Rights Watch.
Waal, Alex de. 2024. “Engineers of Calamity.” Boston Review.
Weizman, Eyal. 2012. The Least of All Possible Evils: A Short History of Humanitarian Violence. Verso Books.
Academic Theory and Dispute
Lemkin, Raphael. 2008. Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
El-Affendi, Abdelwahab. 2024. “Gaza and the Dilemmas of Genocide Scholars.” Al Jazeera.
Üngör, Uğur Ümit. 2024. “Screaming, Silence, and Mass Violence in Israel/Palestine.” Journal of Genocide Research: 1–9.
Klein, Shira. 2025. “The Growing Rift between Holocaust Scholars over Israel/Palestine.” Journal of Genocide Research: 1–21.
Shaw, Martin. 2024. “In Defence of the Concept of Genocide.” Journal of Perpetrator Research 7(1).
Moses, Dirk. 2024. “Genocide – A Redeemable Concept? A Reply to Martin Shaw.” Journal of Perpetrator Research 7(1).
Eghbariah, Rabea. 2024. “Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept.” Columbia Law Review 124(4).
Moses, A. Dirk. 2021. The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression. Cambridge University Press.
Rashed, Haifa, Damien Short, and John Docker. 2014. “Nakba Memoricide: Genocide Studies and the Zionist/Israeli Genocide of Palestine.” Holy Land Studies 13(1): 1–23.
Samudzi, Zoé. 2024. “‘We Are Fighting Nazis’: Genocidal Fashionings of Gaza(Ns) After 7 October.” Journal of Genocide Research: 1–9.
Weizman, Eyal. 2017. Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability. Princeton University Press.
Angel, Arielle and Omar, Abdaljawad. 2024. “‘Resistance Through a Realist Lens.’” Jewish Currents.
Malm, Andreas. 2024. “The Destruction of Palestine Is the Destruction of the Earth.” Verso.
And US politics
The Lobby
Pappe, Ilan. 2024. Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic. Simon and Schuster.
Mearsheimer, John J., and Stephen M. Walt. 2007. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Rynhold, Jonathan. 2023. “Partisanship and Support for Israel in the USA.” In The Palgrave International Handbook of Israel, ed. P. R. Kumaraswamy. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 1–31.
Chomsky, Noam. 2015. Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians (Updated Edition). Haymarket Books.
Jackson, Holly. 2023. “The On-Campus Israel Lobby: How the Suppression of Palestinian Activism on US College Campuses Is a Multi-Million Dollar Foreign-Funded Industry.” PhD Thesis. Columbia University.
Herman, Edward S., and Noam Chomsky. 1988. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Pantheon Books.
Dunsky, Marda. 2008. Pens and Swords: How the American Mainstream Media Report the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Columbia University Press.
Jackson, Holly M. 2024. “The New York Times Distorts the Palestinian Struggle: A Case Study of Anti-Palestinian Bias in US News Coverage of the First and Second Palestinian Intifadas.” Media, War & Conflict 17(1): 116–35.
Nassar, Maha. 2020. “US Media Talks a Lot about Palestinians — Just without Palestinians.” +972 Magazine.
US Policy
Migdal, Joel S. 2014. Shifting Sands: The United States in the Middle East. Columbia University Press.
Barker, Tim, and Dylan Saba. 2024. “Selling American Bombs.” Phenomenal World.
Bhungalia, Lisa. 2023. Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine. Stanford University Press.
Bilmes, Linda, William Hartung, and Stephen Semler. 2024. United States Spending on Israel’s Military Operations and Related U.S. Operations in the Region, October 7, 2023 – September 30, 2024. Costs of War Project.
Chomsky, Noam, and Ilan Pappé. 2015. On Palestine. Haymarket Books.
Spiegel, Steven L. 2014. The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America’s Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan. University of Chicago Press.
Murphy, Brett. 2024. “Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them.” ProPublica.
Saba, Dylan. 2023. “Iron Dome Is Not a Defensive System.” Jewish Currents.
Beinart, Peter. 2024. “Democrats Ignored Gaza and Brought Down Their Party.” The New York Times.
Institutional Background Condition (outside demographics)
Gilens, Martin. 2012. Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America. Princeton University Press.
Oklobdzija, Stan. 2024. “Dark Parties: Unveiling Nonparty Communities in American Political Campaigns.” American Political Science Review 118(1): 401–22.
Miller, Lisa L. 2023. “Checks and Balances, Veto Exceptionalism, and Constitutional Folk Wisdom: Class and Race Power in American Politics.” Political Research Quarterly 76(4): 1604–18.
Rodden, Jonathan. 2021. “Keeping Your Enemies Close: Electoral Rules and Partisan Polarization.” In Who Gets What?, eds. Frances McCall Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir. Cambridge University Press, 129–60.
Roland, Alex. 2021. Delta of Power. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Transnational Solidarity
Hunt-Hendrix, Leah, and Astra Taylor. 2024. Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
El-Kurd, Mohammed. 2025. Perfect Victims: And the Politics of Appeal. Haymarket Books.
McAdam, Doug. 1986. “Recruitment to High-Risk Activism: The Case of Freedom Summer.” American Journal of Sociology 92(1): 64–90.
Makdisi, Saree. 2022. Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial. Univ of California Press.
Jewish and Arab
Beinart, Peter. 2021. “Teshuvah: A Jewish Case for Palestinian Refugee Return.” Jewish Currents.
Odeh, Ayman. 2023. “What It Takes to Choose Life Over Revenge.” The New York Times.
Angel, Arielle. 2023. “‘We Cannot Cross Until We Carry Each Other.’” Jewish Currents.
Lockman, Zachary. 1996. Comrades and Enemies: Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948. University of California Press.
Farmer, Esther, Rosalind Pollack Petchesky, and Sarah Sills. 2021. A Land With a People: Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism. NYU Press.
Black and Palestinian
Abdulhadi, Rabab Ibrahim. 2018. “Framing Resistance Call and Response: Reading Assata Shakur’s Black Revolutionary Radicalism in Palestine.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 46(3 & 4): 226–31.
Bailey, Kristian Davis. 2015. “Black–Palestinian Solidarity in the Ferguson–Gaza Era.” American Quarterly 67(4): 1017–26.
Baumann, Roger. 2024. Black Visions of the Holy Land: African American Christian Engagement with Israel and Palestine. Columbia University Press.
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. 2024. The Message. Random House.
Feldman, Keith P. 2015. A Shadow over Palestine: The Imperial Life of Race in America. U of Minnesota Press.
Hammad, Suheir. 2010. Born Palestinian, Born Black. UpSet Press.
Kelley, Robin DG. 2019. “From the River to the Sea to Every Mountain Top: Solidarity as Worldmaking.” Journal of Palestine Studies 48(4): 69–91.
Nassar, Maha. 2014. “‘My Struggle Embraces Every Struggle’: Palestinians in Israel and Solidarity with Afro-Asian Liberation Movements.” The Arab Studies Journal 22(1): 74–101.
Nassar, Maha. 2019. “Palestinian Engagement with the Black Freedom Movement Prior to 1967.” Journal of Palestine Studies 48(4): 16–32.
Lubin, Alex. 2014. Geographies of Liberation: The Making of an Afro-Arab Political Imaginary. UNC Press Books.
Awad, Sumaya, and brian bean. 2020. Palestine: A Socialist Introduction. Haymarket Books.
Carter, Jimmy. 2007. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. Simon and Schuster.
Browne, Brendan Ciarán. 2024. “Reading Irish Solidarity with Palestine through Ireland’s ‘Unfinished Revolution.’” Journal of Palestine Studies 53(1): 92–103.
Elia, Nada. 2023. Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Feminism, Inter/Nationalism, and Palestine. Pluto Press.
MassDivest. 1983. “A Brief History of the Massachusetts Divestment Bill.” Antipode 15(2): 31–31.
Stifan, Ateek, Naim. 2017. A Palestinian Theology of Liberation: The Bible, Justice, and the Palestine-Israel Conflict. Orbis Books.
Literature and Film
Kanafani, Ghassan. 2023. On Zionist Literature. Ebb Books. [trenchant critique of Zionist novelists like James Michener].
Abulhawa, Susan. 2010. Mornings in Jenin. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Habiby, Emile. 2001. The Secret Life of Saeed: The Pessoptimist. Interlink Publishing Group Incorporated.
Kanafānī, Ghassān. 1984. Men in the Sun: And Other Palestinian Stories. Three Continents Press.
Khalifeh, Salar. 2023. Wild Thorns. Saqi Books.
Alyan, Hala. 2017. Salt Houses. HarperCollins.
Thrall, Nathan. 2023. A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy. Henry Holt and Company.
Herzl, Theodor. 2015. Old New Land: (AltNeuLand). BoD – Books on Demand.
Grossman, David. 2010. To the End of the Land. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Azem, Ibtisam. 2019. The Book of Disappearance. Syracuse University Press.
Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim. 2022. Cry in a Long Night: And Four Stories. Darf Publishers Ltd.
Shehadeh, Raja. 2023. We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I: A Palestinian Memoir. Other Press, LLC.
Shehadeh, Raja. 2010. Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape. Profile Books.
Shlaim, Avi. 2023. Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew. London: Oneworld Publications.
Hass, Amira. 2000. Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege. Macmillan.
Said, Edward W. 2000. Out of Place: A Memoir. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Oz, Amos. 2005. A Tale Of Love And Darkness. HarperCollins.
Peled, Miko. 2016. The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. Just World Books.
Ṭūqān, Fadwá, and Salma Khadra Jayyusi. 1990. A Mountainous Journey: An Autobiography. Graywolf Press.
Abusalim, Jehad, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze. 2022. Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire. Haymarket Books.
Ahmad, Eqbal, and David Barsamian. 2000. Eqbal Ahmad, Confronting Empire: Interviews with David Barsamian ; Foreword by Edward W. Said. South End Press.
Alareer, Refaat. 2014. Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine. Just World Books.
Alareer, Refaat. 2025. If I Must Die: Poetry and Prose. OR Books.
Al-Qasim, Samih. 2015. All Faces but Mine: The Poetry of Samih Al-Qasim. Syracuse University Press.
Aruri, Naseer, and Edmund Ghareeb. 2025. Enemy of the Sun: Poetry of Palestinian Resistance. Seven Stories Press.
Barghouti, Mourid. 2008. I Saw Ramallah. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
Darwish, Mahmoud. 2009a. A River Dies of Thirst. Steerforth Press.
Darwish, Mahmoud. 2009b. If I Were Another: Poems. Macmillan.
Darwish, Najwan. 2021. Exhausted on the Cross. New York Review of Books.
Hindi, Noor. 2022. Dear God. Dear Bones. Dear Yellow. Haymarket Books.
Jordan, June. 2012. Directed by Desire: The Collected Poems of June Jordan. Copper Canyon Press.
Joudah, Fady. 2008. The Earth in the Attic. Yale University Press.
Toha, Mosab Abu. 2022. Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza. City Lights Books.
הזה, הזמן. 2024. “שערי עזה // אריה דובנוב • הזמן הזה.” הזמן הזה.
Films (can access here)
No Other Land (2024)
Jenin, Jenin (2002)
H2: The Occupation Lab (2022)
Tantura (2022)
Gaza Fights for Freedom (2019)
Gaza Ghetto (1985)
Pomegranates and Myrrh (2009)
The Lobby - USA (2018)
We No Longer Prefer Mountains (2023)
Paradise Now (2005)
5 Broken Cameras (2011)
Israelism (2023)
Wedding in Galilee (1987)
Matzpen: Anti-Zionists in Israel (2003)
Omar (2013)
Foragers (2022)
Mayor (2020)
Homeland of Barbed Wire (1980)